Jason Heath

She's a real Pip! And now she has a book!

Pipsqueak is a tiny Yorkie with a big desire to help others. She was only supposed to live to be two-and-a-half years old but she’s three years past that! And now there’s a book about this spirited pup who is an outreach volunteer for Paws & Think, a volunteer group that serves at-risk youths and adults with disabilities/special needs in Central Indiana. Pip has hydrocephalus, a liver shunt, spine and neck issues, and jaw problems that led her to lose all of her teeth, so now her tongue sticks out a little bit.

Through Paws & Think, she interacts with people that may have their own physical or mental hurdles. In her book, “Pipsqueak,” illustrated by Gabriel Lehman, she encourages people by proving that anything is possible. She doesn’t let her physical ailments stop her from being complete. It is written for all ages and proceeds benefit Paws & Think.

The book can be ordered for $15 by clicking here: https://www.pipsqueakthedog.com/pipswag/

To learn more about Paws & Think, click here: www.pawsandthink.org