Eric Levitt founded Comfort Zone Sitters in 2016 when he saw a major need for safe and reliable pet sitting services in the Indianapolis area. His involvement in the animal world started as a young boy. He would watch the dogs in his neighborhood and for family members.
Flash forward to his mid 20s, when he began volunteering at Heaven After Hell Rescue in Speedway, Ind. While spending time providing care for the lost and forgotten animals at the shelter, he truly saw his life turn around and become meaningful again. He has a soft spot in his heart for rescue pets but loves all furry creatures the same.
He has devoted his work to allowing others the ability to confidently leave town for work or vacation knowing that their fur children are well looked after in their owners’ absence. What started off as a one-person show has grown to a team of almost 20 people in just a few short years. They have cared for over 1000 animals and look forward to continued growth.
For more info on this business, visit www.comfortzonesitters.com or like and follow them on social media.