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Old Dogs CAN Learn New Tricks
I didn’t think it was possible. When Toto arrived into my life two years ago, he barked constantly, lacked understanding of even basic...

Paws to Reflect
During these lazy days of summer my mom is taking time to stop to reflect on her life, and I thought I would too … Physically — Other...

Unhealthy Attachment? Codependency?
It was never the plan. I was as free as a bird and enjoying my new life after my nest emptied. Frequent travel, a budding writing career,...

As my arms wrap around his tiny torso and I cradle him tightly, his deep brown eyes struggle to remain open as a peaceful purr settles...

The Bed Dilemma — In or Out?
I was doing so well — for more than a year. From the moment of Toto’s arrival, I had successfully kept him out of my bed! Each night as I...

Picking Up the Poop
It was a crisp, cool morning and I was taking it all in. Remnants of aircraft lines painted the perfectly clear blue skies overhead as...

Unlikely Friends
He weighs 165 pounds. And with six chicken breasts and four generous cups of dog food daily (with occasional salmon mixed in), it’s no...

One Size Does Not Fit All
The temperature read 8 degrees below zero. Winter advisories were flashing on the corner of the television screen. We were comfortable...

A Chilly Reminder
Cold. I feel it every night as Toto and I head out for one last potty break before bedtime. Darkness fills the air, and the frost-covered...

Delayed Treatification
I find them all over the house. Each time, I chuckle. There they are, “hidden” in plain sight. The attempt to conceal has failed, but he...

My Miracle Mutt
It seemed like an insignificant suggestion at the time. Now, a year later, there is no logical explanation for what prompted me to make a...

There's No Place Like Home
“We’re not getting a dog today,” I said as we entered the pet store. My daughter, Carolyn, and I were en route to pick out a Christmas...
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